The Materialist Conception of History We believe in the theory of Historical Materialism — that is that ideas aren’t the driving force of societal change, class conflict is, which have an interactive relationship with material reality, which can be simply described as the relationship between man and man, and the relationship between man and nature. Class conflict is not a result of differing ideas, but of fundamentally opposing material interests between groups that can be scientifically discerned.
Notes on Labor under Capitalism and Communism
A short article that discusses the relationship of wages to value, labor time and distribution of goods under capitalism and how this changes during the transformation of capitalism into communism.
Capitalism Societal: Total Wages < Total Value = Total Labor Time = Total Goods Individual: Individual Wage < Individual Value = Individual Labor Time = Individual Goods
Notes: The capitalist class holds political power, using the state to enforce its control over the means of production.
Points of Unity
History is driven by the conflict between the relations and forces of production, which are personified in the form of class struggle. In capitalist society, this struggle is between the capitalist class — the class that controls the means of production, and the working class, the class that is excluded from control, and thus must work on the capitalists’ property in exchange for a wage.
Capitalist society is a society based on generalized commodity production, a society where workers sell their ability to labor to a capitalist in exchange for a wage to produce commodities which are exchanged for money.
Introductory Readings
Suggested introductory works, as well as a compilation of useful resources.
Marx & Engels Manifesto of the Communist Party The German Ideology 1844 Manuscripts Critique of the Gotha Programme 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte Socialism: Utopian and Scientific Value, Price and Profit Capital Volume I Lenin The State and Revolution What Is To Be Done? Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution “Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder Bukharin The ABC of Communism Imperialism and World Economy Anarchy and Scientific Communism Soviets or Parliament Bordiga The Lyons Theses Party and Class Is This the Time to Form “Soviets”?
Declaration of Formation of Internationalist Communists - NC
Introduction The following article is the founding document of the North Carolinian communist fraction Internationalist Communists (NC), which at the moment of its founding is based primarily in the cities of Charlotte and Durham. The article contains a series of short essays that discuss the historical and present working class struggles that have taken place within North Carolina, the necessity of a communist fraction in North Carolina in light of the recent increase of class struggle in the state, and the staunch internationalist perspective of the fraction, in opposition to the nationalists who masquerade as communists.